神戸牛 吉祥吉 三宮店

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神戸旅行に行った際、子供を連れて神戸牛が食べれる場所を探しこちらのお店にお邪魔しました。一歳の子供を連れていっても快く対応してくださり、スタッフの方がお腹が空いていた子供の様子を気にかけて先にご飯やスープをサービスしてくださりとても助かりました。ぐずぐずだった子供もご機嫌になって、ゆっくりと美味しいお肉を食べて帰ることができました。料理、サービスともに最高のお店です。 (Translated by Google) When I went on a trip to Kobe, I was looking for a place where I could eat Kobe beef with my kids and came across this restaurant. They were very accommodating even when I brought my one-year-old child with me, and the staff was very helpful in caring for my hungry child and serving him rice and soup first. Even the restless children were in a good mood and were able to enjoy the delicious meat and go home. This restaurant has the best food and service.
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