神戸牛 吉祥吉 三宮店

賑やかな地下街にあるので騒がしいかと思いましたが、店内は静かで神戸牛をゆっくり味わうことができます。 お肉は、お肉そのものの甘さと香りが良いだけでなく、絶妙な焼き加減も素晴らしかったです。調理して頂いたのは福原さんです。食べるのが遅く、時間を置いてしまったにも関わらず、外はカリカリ、中はトロトロで感動しました。おすすめして頂いたワサビと塩のシンプルな食べ方が一番美味しかったです!福原さんは気さくな方で、今回お邪魔したお店以外に、私の住んでいる場所周辺の神戸牛を食べられる提携店についても教えてくださいました。私は遠方に住んでいるので、どうしても神戸牛が食べたくなったら教えて頂いたお店に行くことにしますが、また神戸に来た際は福原さんが調理された神戸牛を食べに吉祥吉三宮店さんに寄りたいと思います! (Translated by Google) I thought it would be noisy because it's located in a lively underground shopping mall, but the inside of the restaurant is quiet and you can enjoy the Kobe beef in a relaxed manner. The meat itself was not only sweet and aromatic, but also perfectly grilled. Mr. Fukuhara was the one who cooked it. Even though I ate it late and left it for a long time, I was impressed by how crispy it was on the outside and melty inside. The simple way to eat it with wasabi and salt that you recommended was the most delicious! Mr. Fukuhara is a friendly person, and in addition to the restaurant I visited this time, he also told me about partner restaurants near where I live where I can eat Kobe beef. I live far away, so if I really want to eat Kobe beef, I'll go to the restaurant you recommended, but when I come to Kobe again, I'll go to Kissho Kichi to try the Kobe beef cooked by Mr. Fukuhara. I would like to stop by the Sannomiya store!
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