神戸牛洋食 アモナ

ルミナリエの日にたまたま、通りがかった際に、スフレオムライスが食べたくなり、来店! 土曜の19:00でしたが、すんなりと案内して下さり、これはラッキーでした。 私らの後にはたくさん行列が出来ていました。 予約しといた方が良さそうなお店ですね。 メニューを見てみると、神戸牛を使ったメニューがいっぱいで迷います。 オムライスはオススメとなってあったし、周りのお客さんもほぼ、オムライスにしていたので、やはり、私もオムライスにしました。 運ばれてくると、卵はプルンプルンと揺れていたのがとても印象的で、口に入れると泡のような食感で一瞬でトロけてしまいます。 これはメレンゲなのかな?と! 濃厚なシチューとの絡みも良く、レアミディアムの硬めのステーキ、硬めに炊かれたご飯との相性も良く、食べ応えありました。 (Translated by Google) I happened to be passing by on Luminarie day and I wanted to eat soufflé omelette rice, so I came here! It was 7:00pm on a Saturday, but I was lucky that they guided me around easily. There was a long line behind us. This is a restaurant where it would be best to make a reservation. When you look at the menu, you'll be spoiled for choice as there are so many options that use Kobe beef. Omelet rice was recommended, and most of the customers around me were also having it, so I decided to have it as well. When it was delivered to me, I was very impressed by the way the eggs were jiggling, and when I put them in my mouth, they had a foam-like texture that melted in an instant. Is this meringue? and! It went well with the rich stew, and went well with the medium-rare steak and hard-cooked rice, making it a satisfying meal.